All that torture he put me through was just him projecting his bad behavior on me. I handed him my phone and Jesus is My PPE version black white shirt he calls everyone that he had lied to and tell them the truth. I think the most satisfying was when he called his oldest son and told him, “It wasn’t Kim that cheated. I’ve been having an affair with your Mom.” His kids hated their mother. There was silence on the line, then his son said, “I’ll call you back. I’m driving. I’m in my car, which is Bluetooth paired to my phone, so everyone with me just heard what a dick you are.” Click. Usually, when she fights with him she blames it on me. Or my father. Or both. Sometimes it is my fault, sometimes not. But the fact is, a child doesn’t need to be screamed at.

Buy this shirt: Jesus is My PPE version black white shirt