Always caffeinated and usually sarcastic shirt is whole caffeine and nicotine and saturated fat and aspartame and stuff you all use ruse something shiny to make you look the other way or Red Herring. This all came about in the late ’50s and early 60’s when science was going to fix everything put a man on the moon, we got tang breakfast drink, ballpoint pens, we got vaccinations and polio disappeared it was great. Then the adults picked on the weed the hippies were smoking and the hippies didn’t know what to do. Since many of them were in costly colleges to avoid the war they learn to use science as a weapon against their enemies parents in the way Lois Learner weaponized the IRS against Right-Wing charities. We can all remember an episode where someone was on a shooting spree because they didn’t get their morning coffee.
Buy this shirt: Always caffeinated and usually sarcastic shirt