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Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Amazon army Women’s Army corps Veteran shirt

Amazon army Women’s Army corps Veteran shirt look at the actual service details, often the dude in question was a short-timer, in a support role, or was a no combat-having ass-bag. A lot of times, the military had either dealt with the ass-bag or were in process with dealing with the ass-bag. He was likely an ass-bag before he went in, and he was an ass-bag as he was kicked out. That he was military at one point has little to do with his ass-bigger. He never saw any combat. Also, it is important to point out that PTSD does not equate to violence against others. Even this disorder is misrepresented in the media. Most PTSD sufferers are not military members, in fact. There are also certain self-perpetuating stereotypes that veterans fit a certain profile they’ll wear veteran pride hats and jackets with patches all over them and often ride motorcycles.


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