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Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Basketball Board man gets paid Toronto shirt

Basketball Board man gets paid Toronto shirt watches or fancy clothes. Kawhi is just a humble dude who lets his game do the talking. Man, I’m not even a Raptors fan but is so damn hard to dislike Kawhi! Raptors winning with Defence. Very impressive impact on opponent’s ppg and shooting percentages. As much as I want Kawhi on my lakers he’s meant to be a raptor, great supporting cast and cmon his nicknames the claw and their logo is a claw’s scratch mark. Kawhi a humble man, yet people still find a way to try and knock him like his charisma or his energy. I used to love everyone until I realized people look for any way they can to knock someone. I love Kawhi man. He’s truly a real one. I always just wait for this dude to burst out in that laugh whenever I see a postgame interview. Two former spurs leading the raptors.


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