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Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Betsy Ross revolution 13 stars colonial navy shirt

Betsy Ross revolution 13 stars colonial navy shirt is racist, and anyone who says otherwise is deluded to American history. Allow me to elaborate before SJW’s start attacking me in the comments. Slavery was common, and so was racial prejudice in southern areas, but if a law exists, it does not imply the foundation upon which it existed supported the law. Most modern Americans presume that all the founding fathers were racists, what they don’t know is that most of them argued against slavery for frankly most of the revolution and post-revolution. In fact, the 13th amendment had not been included in the initial constitution but was later integrated due to the insistence of the several southern states. Despite this, most notable founding fathers resented slavery and its notion, though some like Jefferson were prohibited to free slaves due to strict Virginian law.


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