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Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Caravan This job thing sure is messing up my camping career shirt

Caravan This job thing sure is messing up my camping career shirt are coming equipped with three or more slideouts. Often, these slideouts can transform a relatively small Caravan into a very usable one with lots of floor space. However, I have heard several Caravan owners who purchased a big, beautiful Caravan, and then discovered that without deploying the slideouts, they couldn’t get to the bathroom, kitchen, or other important features of the Caravan. This can make roadside stops a hassle, and overnight stops can be difficult if you are somewhere you can’t deploy your slideouts. If you’re shopping for a Caravan, and think you might want to use some of the features in the Caravan with the slideouts in, ask the salesman to put them in for you so you can see what it feels like in the Caravan in that configuration.


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