Lesley Browne Adorable! We had a long-haired dachshund when I was a child, she was a diva and only walked when she felt like it! Faith Locklin Tuite, I would be in doxie heaven for sure! I love my two hotdogs! Would love to go there. I lived in England in the 80s. Siva Nesan Jesu I would expect a real thinktank, non-theological, to define paradise after taking into account all utopian, ideological, humanist outlooks. Huib Visser Just for the record: it’s a Dog lovers don’t eat dogs animal lovers don’t eat animals shirt dachshund, not dachshund! Now, let’s get that little creature a latte macchiato!! Patient Simpenzwe Boriss Johson is worse than Teresa May, maybe the dog is better than Boris Johnston.

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