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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Eagle United States Navy I served my country what did you do shirt

Eagle United States Navy I served my country what did you do shirt is very true that the US has the strongest Navy, strongest Army, strongest Air Force, strongest Marines. You guys have the best jets, weapons, ships. Best trained soldiers. Best everything all around. And in any hypothetical scenario, the US Navy would win soundly over any country out there. Except, you haven’t. The last war America won is WWII. They come in saying we want equality, we are equal to men, The they say, We want privacy, or own berthing, restrooms, uniforms, we have to be treated differently, you cannot do this, or say this, or make us uncomfortable, we want different standards. I haven’t actually done anything. Literally, all I have done in the Army is train and then work what amounts to a desk job. Nothing special or cool. I just have a wear a weird uniform and stand in the cold early in the morning to sing.


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