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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Eagle US army I served my country what did you do shirt

Eagle US army I served my country what did you do shirt is always the chance of being deployed like the regular army, as the National Guard is on regular rotation just like the regular Army. Depending on your state and job, you can be called up to assist during natural disasters and unrest. The more frequent these things occur in your state, the more likely you may be called for those things. Simply from my experience, this is what I can tell you. Basic Combat Training is literally designed to be a culture shock. Being a 19-year old Asian from California, spent two years in college and enlisted to help pay for the rest, I realized I was sheltered as hell when I show up and I’m surrounded by a rough and tumble crowd whose intelligence was based around how fast you could memorize shit and how creative you could be with cramming as many F-bombs into a sentence as possible.


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