Firework Red white and blue Chihuahua dogs American flag shirt have always had large breed dogs. Like a lot of people, I always thought that small dogs were a bit of a pain. My wife has a 14-year-old deer head Chihuahua. Naturally, Tatum is spoiled rotten. He loves my wife unconditionally. It took him a few months to decide whether or not I was okay, but he still goes nuts if I even hug my wife. Not sure if he wants to be included, or if it’s jealousy. Tatum is very alert as well as intelligent. He’s more housebroken than some people I have known. He can’t stand cats and deep inside he believes that he is a Rottweiler. When he perceives a threat he becomes the Prince of Darkness, when all is right in his world he is the Ambassador of Love.
Buy this shirt: Firework Red white and blue Chihuahua dogs American flag shirt