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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Floral Ostrich Allegedly shirt

Floral Ostrich Allegedly shirt is more than 50 billion of them around, and apart from a disastrous quirk of nature, they won’t go extinct because we eat them. Now let me show you an ostrich farm in the Oudtshoorn district of South Africa. There are not quite 50 billion of them around, but still, considerable numbers, as they too have economic value. It all started towards the beginning of the 20th century when ostrich feathers were high fashion and at the time there were 700 000 of them in captivity. People became stinking rich from selling ostrich feathers and some built what became known as ostrich palace Afrikaans. Here’s one of them. But the boom didn’t last. Motor vehicles became the fashion, and being open contraptions and somewhat faster than horse carriages, it played havoc with fancy feathered ladies’ hats. And besides, WWI soon followed with a consequent economic decline and out went ostrich feathers as a fashion statement.


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