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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

I’m Norwegian you can’t pronounce my last name shirt

I’m Norwegian you can’t pronounce my last name shirt is as varied as any other population group, but there are six points that may help you understand us a little better. Norwegians like personal space, and rarely invite random conversation. This is probably what makes us seem cold and unfriendly. It feels intrusive to sit next to someone on the bus if there is another seat available. Striking up a conversation with a stranger needs a pretext, weather is always good. Outside of cities, the random conversations starting with a comment about weather becomes the rule rather than the exception. Norwegians trust each other implicitly and get very annoyed when that trust is broken, or when others don’t trust them. Personally, I attribute this to a very strong honor system that has survived from the Viking age. If you’re not a man of your word, you’re not a man. Norwegians value contributions to the common good more than we admire the wealthy.


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