I make lefse disappear what’s your superpower shirt can take any photograph and create an exact replica of it on a sheet of paper, using just pencils. why spend 6 bloody hours drawing while I can just convert the original photo into monochrome using any photo editing tool you ask? Because I can. I consider making an exact replica of a photograph as super lame. Having said that, I also have made drawings with my own original ideas, few of which you can find in this answer. Each of us may have a different superpower. But manipulation is one of them. We tend to be very crafty manipulators. But take note that INFPs are idealists and are very morally inclined, which means that we will use our manipulation skills to do good rather than to do damage or hurt someone. For example, I have manipulated a few people into cutting off abusers by playing on the victim’s fears and weaknesses. Essentially what the abuser does.
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