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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

I put the sing in single shirt

I put the sing in single shirt having a man in the house can be, and usually is one of the most arduous tasks a woman can take on. Whereas children grow up and become self-sufficient, most adult men revert to helpless toddlers when a woman is in the house. So it’s not just about cooking and feeding them, doing their laundry, running their errands, household repairs, yard work, cleaning the house which she’s always told she’s going to do anyway along with all these other things even though they’ve now tripled or quadrupled with the man’s presence, it’s the daily things like shopping and picking up the trail of destruction he leaves behind. If that isn’t a pleasure all on its own, let’s not forget having to mop the toilet and floor every time he goes to the bathroom. Then there is the financial thing.


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