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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Long-neck ice-cold Beer never broke my heart shirt

Long-neck ice-cold Beer never broke my heart shirt have been brewing for a long time and they brew in a number of styles. Also, some of their styles are mostly or entirely found in Belgium. Further, a lot of their styles are complex and suited to great differences among brewers. The Belgians treat beer the way the French treat wine. For the makers, it’s a prized art. For the drinkers, it’s something to be savored and discussed. I’ve never found sobriety to be worse than addiction. I’ve heard a few people say that, but when they’re called on the carpet with another arrest or lost job or relationship, all they want to do is get clean. I’m sober from alcohol now. I’ve done this before and relapsed and always regretted it. When I’m depressed and thinking of drinking, the title of the AA pamphlet.


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