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Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Mash 4077 47th anniversary 1972-2019 cast signatures shirt

Mash 4077 47th anniversary 1972-2019 cast signatures shirt assumes his disability does not automatically disqualify him from field duty. Then we make him an officer-captain is high enough. Then we assign him to MASH 4077 and have him engage in witty if dour repartee with the doctors and nurses there all the while demanding a challenging case, one only he can crack. When he finally gets his challenge, it is a case of physician heal thyself when he is caught stealing morphine to ease his pain. Sidney Freeman is called in and after an exam recommends an honorable discharge and follow-up treatment stateside. House takes the offer to avoid court-martial and hurries back home. This wasn’t a full retreat, but in the episode MASH, they took all the patients and everything they needed for them to some nearby-ish caves while there was heavy shelling near their camp.


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