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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Moto girl Your daughter my daughter shirt

Moto girl Your daughter my daughter shirt found I had truly frightened and intimidated him. I’m a big guy. Worse, I had really hurt my daughter’s feelings. From that point forward, she didn’t bring her boyfriends to meet me. Later I heard her talking about wanting to elope and forgo a family wedding. My heart ached at the way that I had acted and what resulted from it, my daughter no longer felt safe around me with a boyfriend. You see, I never wanted to hurt her, only to help her see what I saw, that her boyfriend wasn’t good enough for her. That there was a much better young man out there that would take good care of her. Chasing away a boyfriend doesn’t work. By refusing to accept someone that a family member loves, you always damage the relationship with that family member, and worse, often drive them right into a possibly-abusive relationship.


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