Oldometer 50th birthday shirt seems like climbing Everest to you right now. But even that would not be enough. You have lost a piece of your Oldometer 50th birthday gift shirt. It is away in heaven with your dear child. What you have left behind are the aromas in the air. You breathe in the scent of your babe. You smile at the smell. It’s the stinky soccer cleats you kept outside in the garage. Besides, once you’ve got a lot of miles on the oldometer you also have a wealth of knowledge and information. I wish I knew at 30 what I know now! Probably the worst thing about aging are physical issues. What this means is having aches and pains in places you never even knew existed, not to mention happily filling your drawers when you think you’re letting a silent one, if you catch my drift.
Buy this shirt: Oldometer 50th birthday shirt
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