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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Once upon a time there was a girl really loved guinea pigs and had tattoos It was me shirt

Once upon a time there was a girl really loved guinea pigs and had tattoos It was me shirt would and have, and I have to say they’re the most affectionate, adorable, stubborn little sweethearts you can imagine. As Churchill said. Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you, but pigs look you right in the eye. However, you need to be aware that they’re a large animal it’s far more like having a horse than having a cat or dog. I used to carry our Kunes around in my arms when they were piglets, letting them look at the world over my shoulder. When they were grown, they’d still insert themselves into my arms while I was sitting down, and look at me, plainly thinking. But why can’t you pick me up? Because you weigh 300lb! You’ll need a pig ark small stable or shed for them to inhabit, outdoors, and supply of straw for them to sleep on.


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