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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Paws 80s movie parody shirt

Paws 80s movie parody shirt use proximity to express affection. If they choose to curl up next to you to sleep that means they like and trust you. Remember, they are very smell oriented. When they are close to you they are surrounded by your scent. Some cats just don’t like to sleep cuddle. All of the mines prefer to sleep near me. They really like it if I reach out to give them a head scratch or pet while we are settling into sleep. You can try that. There are so many things people should not be doing with their cats! I could make a list that goes on for miles probably. But I just worked the night shift and I’m a little crabby here. Tired too. But crabby enough to get snippy with one of my faves here a little earlier. But before I get to bed, here are 2 things people should not be doing with their cats that totally grind my gears. I am so sick of this crap.


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