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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Reason why I am so popular I have everyone shirt

Reason why I am so popular I have everyone shirt was in elementary school, there was this green-eyed girl with long, flowing brown hair and perfectly tanned skin, who we’ll call Cece. Cece was always surrounded by other students fascinated with her presence. She gloriously strolled into the classroom with every pair of eyes set on her. When she opened her mouth to speak, ears followed her speech up and down as if it was a captivating melody; she was the most popular girl in school. Absolutely everybody yearned to be around her. This evolutionary idea that humans seek people who are kind and powerful as allies make sense because having a friend who has the ability to help you can save you from risky situations. This happens to be good news for you and everybody who wants to achieve that kind of status because charisma can be learned through modifications to your behavior!


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