Maureen Gilmour Sbould has happened from the Rules for today don’t talk to me don’t look at me don’t even breath in my direction shirt beginning. People came home from abroad traveled home, went for their shopping all before going into lockdown. Absolutely shocking !! Lynne Wilton Why wasn’t this done after Feb half term when the authorities knew we had ‘super spreaders’ coming back from ski holidays in hotspots. Also, they weren’t just flying in. Brooke Jones So thankful I live in NZ where we did this I don’t know MONTHS ago! In fact, we went further, only NZ citizens allowed to enter the country and they face mandatory supervised quarantine. Donna South would UK government as usual too little too late. We aren’t even health checking people flying in right now. How is this going to be policed? Lockdown has been free for all the last few weeks.

Buy this shirt: Rules for today don’t talk to me don’t look at me don’t even breath in my direction shirt