Some wives order a bunch of stuff online and then hide it from their husbands shirt is a man who left home and has lived entirely on his own, right since the age of 16. Which means that I have had to do household chores since my teens – alongside my studies and work, that is. It’s not like you know, I’ve been sitting on my royal behind snapping my fingers while my mum or sis or girlfriends did the housework. Right now I have a day job for 45-50 hours a week. I also regularly clean my place, cook my food, wash the dishes, do the laundry, buy the groceries and pay the bills. Naturally, since there isn’t some fairy godmother who will do all of those and given how I hate living in squalor. The only help which I get at all is from my mother when she visits me. And that’s for a mere two weeks per year and even then only with her cooking.