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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Sorry girls my heart belongs to mommy shirt

Sorry girls my heart belongs to mommy shirt found being home with kids beyond tedious. I had no family nearby. No help. A playgroup sometimes with painfully dull moms who were only interested in talking about babies. I was struggling with PPD as well. I never slept. It was the worst time of my life for my mental state. I felt like nothing but a slave. Slave to my babies and house and husband. I went back to work and I came back alive. The girls started school and everyone was thrilled. Working made logistics a bit more difficult but also, there was more money so life was a bit easier too. I was happy to see them when I got home. Also happy to leave them in the morning. I said constantly back then, there’s no one I want to be around 24/7, barely even myself.


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