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Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Stethoscope Always respect a grandma who earned a nursing degree without Google shirt

Stethoscope Always respect a grandma who earned a nursing degree without Google shirt listening through a stethoscope is called auscultation and doctors, nurses, and sometimes medical assistants and physical therapists use them. We use scopes to auscultate body sound but doctors and nurses go into more depth. Medical assistants and PTs just listen to blood pressures. When placed at specific spots on the chest or back when we ask you to breathe deeply, we’re listening to your lung sounds. We’re listening for the normal sounds of respiration as well as adventitious sounds. The adventitious sounds have names and specific sounds, so when we hear, say, wheezes over the sternum we know there’s probably bronchoconstriction. Even absent sounds, no sounds at all in a lobe of the lung where there should be whooshing, can mean consolidation. Mucus plugging up everything. We find this with pneumonia. I won’t explain all lung sounds but certain conditions have certain sounds associated with them.


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