Im going to make them as well looks delicious yumyum inton Pots and Succulent plants pot head vintage shirt arrangements with unique vintage tins, pots and glass! Rebekah’s collection of curious containers even contains some with local significance like vintage local railroad coffee mugs! Best of all; her arrangements are super easy to care for; making great gifts for all the vintage and plant lovers in your life. Check out Tinton Pots & Plants at the ScrantonMade Holiday Market! Read the interview here love this idea! I recently was given coffee at work from nicaragua and I have a great idea thats similar to this my grandparents had a dinette set styled like this in these colors I loved it Our modern spice cupboard contains many different spices from far flung corners of the earth. In early times however, people were restricted to using what the local flora had to offer.
Buy this shirt: Succulent plants pot head vintage shirt