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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

The best kind of dad raises a stubborn daughter shirt

The best kind of dad raises a stubborn daughter shirt had an image in my head up until the birth: I’m sitting there, cradling my new daughter in my arms. Gazing down lovingly while her mother lays in the bed basking in the afterglow of giving birth, a trio of nurses look over us approvingly. What actually happened: we arrive in the daughter and get taken up to the maternity ward by a smelly staff elevator, the nurse goes to check dilation and screams. I am grabbed by a nurse and shoved into place next to my father shoulder, the nurse grabs her leg and puts it in my hands and yells at me. The doctor comes sprinting in, still shrugging into her scrubs. A father is screaming, nurses are swarming, I look down and see a pale, whiteish, blueish thing coming out. The doctor does something and suddenly there is a baby.


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