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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

The child is grown the dream is gone and I have become comfortably numb shirt

The child is grown the dream is gone and I have become comfortably numb shirt can only tell you about my own experience. From the time she was positively tiny, just days home from the hospital, it was clear something was not right with my daughter. She would literally turn her whole head to avoid eye contact. As the days passed and turned into weeks and months, it became even more obvious that something was wrong. She did not babble or coo, she didn’t smile or laugh, she didn’t reach for toys or notice when you called her name. I actually had lots of people ask me if I was sure she could hear. She could, she just didn’t respond to people talking to her. We made her a cake but she had no interest in smashing it or even looking at it. She didn’t crawl until she was over a year old and still incredibly unresponsive to anything happening to her or around her.


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