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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

The Lord of the Rings Bilbo Baggins Keep Tolkien shirt

In conclusion, a Fashion Icon is somewhere who wears clothes well, not The Lord of the Rings Bilbo Baggins Keep Tolkien shirts wearing them. When I think of a fashion icon I think of Jackie O. or Diane Von Furstenburg. Not MM. She needs someone to sit her down and say honestly to her, “What you are wearing is a disaster. You need a professional stylist to pick clothes that fit your body shape, ones that accentuate the best parts of your body and hide the worst and someone who will pick colors that look best with your skin tone”. If MM would take the time and sit down and actually listen to someone other than herself, she might be able to someday be a fashion icon. But I don’t see that happening in the near future or for a long time.

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