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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Thinking I’m just a spoiled child was your first mistake and They’ll never find your body shirt

Thinking I’m just a spoiled child was your first mistake and They’ll never find your body shirt make space for the expanding womb growing your bundle of joy, all internal organs are moved by the said womb. Your bladder is compressed, and lung function compromised by the diaphragm being pushed up. You will sleep in restricted positions, as laying flat on your back will compress your spine and some very important veins and arteries. Laying on the left will cause cardiac problems, also from reduced circulation. Due to intestinal rearranging, and tummy being squashed you will probably eat small meals often, while suffering cramps, has, heartburn and indigestion at the last trimester. Morning sickness will affect the first two trimesters, sometimes so greatly you will get anti-nausea medication. You may even get esophagus ulcers, from the repeated exposure to stomach acid. Clean that porcelain throne, and heaven help the man who pees on the seat just prior to you hugging that throne.


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