Unicorn dabbing Aunticorn like a normal aunt only more awesome shirt has been described since antiquity as beasts with a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from their forehead. However, if such a creature existed, the poor animal would have found it difficult to eat, because whenever he dipped his head to graze, the tip of his horn would have stuck in the turf, preventing him from munching on a single blade of grass. The unicorn appeared in early Mesopotamian artworks, and it also was referred to in the ancient myths of India and China. Those who drank from its horn were thought to be protected from stomach trouble, epilepsy, and poison. It was very fleet of foot and difficult to capture. The actual animal behind Ctesias’s description was probably. Certain poetical passages of the Bible refer to a strong and splendid horned animal called reʾem. This word was translated unicorn in many versions of the Bible, but many modern translations prefer.
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