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Blog: Blog2
Writer's picturethuytien nguyen

Weight lifting All women are created equal but the best can still lift weights in their sixties shir

Weight lifting All women are created equal but the best can still lift weights in their sixties shirt will make you shrink. For every 10 pounds, you increase on your bench, you’ll get one inch shorter. My guess is you’re asking this question because you see many short-of-stature guys in the gym, and these are the guys that are usually pretty muscular and strong. Some people write this off to the Napoleon Complex, wherein short people overcompensate for their lack in height by going to the gym and getting muscular. There may be some truth to this, but the reason has more to do with body mechanics and affinity for a sport in which you excel. Shorter people on the average are stronger than taller people, purely as a result of physics and body mechanics. If you have relatively shorter arms, it is easier to bench press heavier weight due to the shorter distance of the push of the chest.


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